Downtown Springfield Association

Brand New Life, sitcom live taping — at Springfield Improv

November, 22 2019 | 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

308 South Avenue Springfield, MO 65806


We are very pleased to announce Springfield’s first live-taped sitcom, Brand New Life, will film its second eisode at the Springfield Improv. Hurry up and pre-order before we sell out.

Brand New Life is the comedic story of Brad and Piper, two roommates whose life gets turned upside down with the arrival of an unannounced person who comes to visit. Can’t give too much away but I am lucky enough to have two beautiful, inside and out, co-stars to film with.
Please note that this is a live-taped show (filmed every fourth Friday) that will be shot with three cameras, edited, and put on a YouTube channel, (Brand New Life sitcom)
( ) which is up and running, ready for subscribers, but with no content until we have the first episode shot and edited and uploaded.
Live-taped shows are much more different than plays in the fact that they could be shot out of order, or the same scene might be filmed two or even three times to get the right camera angles. So be prepared for set and costume changes during the “show,” and aware of cables or tape lines blocking off safe areas for camera equipment. Any bloopers or gaffs will be re-shot in front of the live audience as well.
After the taping the show will be put on the YouTube channel where you will be able to watch the episode in the correct order, or catch up on episodes that you miss that are filmed live at the Springfield Improv. I will let you all know as soon as tickets are available. Thank you all for your support and see you soon I hope!