February, 20 2021 | 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
525 S. John Q Hammons Parkway Springfield, MO 65806
4178646683 marketingmanager@springfieldmosymphony.org
Don’t miss a thrilling and moving performance with the Springfield Symphony of two of Mozart’s most celebrated works. We will start with the charming and beautiful Sinfonia concertante performed by Springfield Symphony’s own Pamela Davis on violin and Kirsten Weingartner Weiss on viola. Finally, Mozart’s powerfully haunting Requiem will be accompanied by local university choirs and soloists for this dramatic and glorious masterwork.
This concert is brought to you by Reliable Superstore, Bryan Properties, Foster Hospitality Group, and Springfield News-Leader. Single Tickets are available for are $30** per ticket at www.springfieldmosymphony.org/single-tickets.
Single Tickets are currently available for purchase for our 2:00 PM performance only. Our 7:30 PM performance is reserved for season ticket holders only. Livestreaming is only available for the 7:30 PM performance. Livestreaming access information can be found at https://www.springfieldmosymphony.org/livestreaming. When attending the concert in person, please ensure to read the Springfield Symphony Orchestra’s Re-opening Guidelines. Due to CDC, State, County, and City guidelines, dates and programming on subject to change.
**This does not include Hammons Hall and Handling Charge fees.
All Concerts take place at Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts,
525 S. John Q Hammons Parkway
For more information, visit www.springfieldmosymphony.org or call the Symphony office at 417-864-6683.